This is the last issue of the Southern DIGEST for this semester, and I would just like to say that this has been a very productive semester for our staff. This year we have made a few changes, like finally moving out of Baranco Hall and into a nice office in Harris. We at the DIGEST work really hard and long hours to inform you, the students at Southern University, of issues that happens on campus, statewide and nationwide.
I have received a lot of compliments from students, faculty and staff about how much the Digest has improved from past years. Of course, I would love to take all the credit for the improvements myself (as well I should), but it was a complete team effort and I would like to acknowledge my co- workers and staff to show my appreciation to each and everyone of them. (It may not seem like I appreciated working with ya’ll but I enjoyed the experience).
First and foremost, I would like to say thank you to Brandi Jade Thomas for giving me the opportunity to be her right-hand man. You are the best editor this paper has ever had. I can’t wait until next semester to get back to work. (Please don’t have anymore nervous breakdowns). Next I would like to thank Niqueta “Redd” Williams, our sports editor, You are a great editor but I think you should trust your writers more (Although coach Denu and I think that you should have had more volleyball articles).
A special thanks to Gabrielle Alexis Maple–what would I do without you? (Probably have more front page stories!) You were a real big help to me and really took that news editor job and ran with it. You will be very successful one day if you keep that drive going.
Willie, it’s been real kicking it with you this semester. Keep taking those great pictures and congratulations on graduating and best of luck to you in pursuing a job. To Antonette (Toni) Roche, you’re too sensitive, lighten up and don’t take everything so serious and you will be a great asset to the DIGEST in the future. (Just don’t put “What’s Poppin n the Big Raggedy” in the paper anymore.)
I cannot forget you Janene Tate; although things were difficult for you this semester we understand and wish you the best. I can’t wait until you come back and take charge of this A&E section. Get well soon we miss you.
A.J. you did a great job with the opinion section keep up the good work. And finally, to all of our staff: Brandy Allen, Alicia Square, Tabitha Chappelle, Lajuana Jordan, Don Williams, Dawn Collins, Kyra Jenkins, Vickie Jambon, Christie Landry, Anteneika Preddie, Camelia Trahan, Fallon Hamilton and our new copy editor Nik G. Bannister.
If I forgot any writers then, I guess that you didn’t mean that much. And that’s Da “G” Way, see ya’ll next year.
Mr. Hackett you are always cool with me. (Please fire Brandi and make me editor.)