As I sit here at my computer, at 11:44 p.m., I write my last article for the semester. Why? Well, I have to withdraw from all of my classes this semester? Why? I am sick and have to have surgery. Why? Yeah, that1s what I keep asking myself.
I tried to be stubborn and not listen to my doctor. I kept telling him, “Hey, I can make it. I have too much riding on this semester. This is my senior year. I love school and I love my job.”
All of this stared me in my face the other morning when I barely made it out of bed. I felt defeated. Times like this are when we realize we’re all mere mortals and we can’t be superman, or in my case, superwoman. You have to take what life gives you and just go with it, good or bad.
My decision to withdraw was not an easy one. I’ve been contemplating it, fighting with the idea of it for at least a month now. It has been one of the hardest things I have had to do in my life. I did what I always do when faced with tough decisions: I called my mom (collect, of course).
My end of the conversation was full of questions like, What should I do? Should I stay in school and try to hang in there a little longer, knowing my health as well as my grades are in jeopardy? Should I accept less than what I know I’m capable of achieving? Her answer: ”You’re grown. You know what to do.”
That, to me, was an eye-opener and a half. I am 21-years old, an adult…grown. I had to repeat that in my brain throughout that day.
Being grown is not just reaching that legal age and being able to do what u wanna’ It’s about reaching that stage where you have to make decisions. Life long decisions. The kind of decisions you may not see the sunny side of until much later.
Well, I feel I have made the right decision. I know that I am capable of being a great student and writer. I also know that I have to deal with this illness. After I have my surgery, my doctor promises I will be all better.
Promise. I sure hope so. So, my sisters and brothers, it has been a joy serving you as Arts and Entertainment editor for yet another year.
God willing, I will be back next semester new and improved and bringing more life news and aspects to you. Promise.
I’m grown but listening to my doctor
November 2, 2001
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