In my two plus years here, I have noticed a very disturbing trend. The females of this school and this community are not active. And when I say active, I mean politically active.
I had never taken this into consideration, because I am very active in politics, on a local and semi-national level. But, by taking Women in Politics offered by the Political Science department, taught by Dr. Leila Sarradiene, I have learned that everyone is not like me. Women as a whole are not active in politics.
I strongly believe, that women should have some say on how the government handles issues that mainly affect women.
We are not voicing our opinions on things that matter to us.
Ok, it is widely known that Viagra for MEN is covered by most insurance companies, but birth control for WOMEN is not. Now does that seem fair. To me it seems to reinforce the machoistic theory that women should be kept barefoot and pregnant.
Men have led women to think they have no place in politics. That is not true and women should be working harder to reverse that stereotype. Show this male dominated society that women should have equal say on issues like abortion, health care research, welfare, child security, education, foreign and domestics affairs.
One would think that the men of this country would welcome the input of a fresh mind. Since apparently their brains don’t work as well as they think they do. If they were so smart then why does half the world hate the US? Because men handle things in a different manner than women would. Women think about the aftermath of a certain action, men tend to think about the now.
Men think we are too soft, that we should stay at home, take care of the kids, and let them (the MEN) make all the decisions that determines what we receive in life from out government.
As stated above we should be working harder to change the world’s view on women in politics. And the only way we can do this is by getting involved. College is a great training ground, Baton Rouge being the capitol city of this great state makes this area a natural place to be politically active. We as females should have gone out in droves to help Sonceree Smith-Clark with her campaign for the judgeship. Yeah, I know that many of us can’t vote here, but that doesn’t mean we can’t help motivate those of us who are registered in Baton Rouge.
We should get involved in the Student Government Association, whether as an elected or appointed official, volunteer or simply a supporter of their events. Get involved. We are the people who will be running this country in the next fifty years. And yet, we are not laying the groundwork correctly. Run for an SGA office, volunteer with the democratic or republican party. Be vocal, write petitions. When something goes on that you don’t like do something about it. I mean I don’t like having to pay for birth control, while a man can get his more expensive Viagra for almost free. But, because the women of this state did not rally together and flood the thoughts of the decision-makers with our opinions. That could be why the legistration failed. Things like that reiterate men’s views of us that we are complacent, soft and not concerned enough to seek changes in government. All I have to say is we need to just go out and prove them wrong.
Females need to get active in politics
November 16, 2001