Though they may be few in numbers, the Southern University chapter of College Republicans are known for being outspoken yet politically savvy and with the upcoming Louisiana primary on Feb. 2 they are largely unsure on who to vote for.
With the controversial George Bush presidency coming toward an end and with the Republican Party not having a sure front-runner, the campus Republicans are unsure about who will win the presidential primary according to Brandt Lewis, a junior political science major from New Orleans, who is also a fund raiser for the Campus Republicans organization.
“This is the first time in a long time we don’t have a sure front runner,” said Lewis. This is a year were republicans can’t rally behind one person.”
The lack of unity after the Bush administration has also lead to unease in the party, which could effect the elections, said Lewis.
Anthony Monroe, a senior marketing major from Shreveport and president of Southern’s College Republicans said the Republicans are going to have to take away focus from Bush if they are going to succeed.
When it comes to the primary, Monroe said he would be unsure until the day he votes.
“The race is very entertaining though I still have no idea who to vote for,” said Monroe.
Lewis, on the other hand, does not have a sure idea either, though he likes former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee .
Second in delegate votes by 19 to Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney, Huckabee hopes to get rid of the Internal Revenue Service which according to Lewis could help kids in college when it comes to accumulating college debt.
“This could be the best thing since social security,” said Lewis.
When it comes to the Republicans having a chance after the primary, Monroe said the best the party could do is to be more personable with the people.
“Reaching out to the people, showing themselves more and being more personable,” said Monroe.
SU College Republicans Unsure of Louisiana Primary
January 25, 2008