First, and foremost, I would like to thank many of the university’s administration, faculty, staff and students that have stopped me to express how much they genuinely enjoy the 2006-2007 Jaguar yearbook. However, every year, it saddens me to know there is a group of people who do nothing but complain over small issues like typos, why the faculty and support staff is intermingled and other small issues found in our publication.
This year, much to my surprise, a different question was posed about the yearbook that caught me off guard. The question was why so many stories and photos had my name on it? For the record, the reason my name appeared so many times in the yearbook was because most people just join staff to attend Homecoming and Springfest events and just jump ship afterwards.
The Student Media staff should be overflowing with writers and photographers, considering the Mass Communications Department is located right across the street. And to all mass communications majors, if you didn’t know, in order to get a job after graduation, you need things called clips (published works) and there is no reason why you should leave Southern without published material because there are a total of three publications housed on the Baton Rouge campus alone.
And as an engineering major who served as editor in chief of the 2006-2007 Jaguar yearbook, I am living proof you don’t have to be a mass comm. major to help produce any of the publications produced by the Student Media Office.
To make a long story short, this book is the product of my hard work and the efforts of a select group dedicated to commemorating the events of the past academic calendar. If you feel that you can do a better job, stop complaining about small mistakes and be happy that a small group of students are willing to produce a well-put together book that is respected by other schools and well-received by the print community.
If you feel you can do better, stop letting your mouth complain and let the ink do the talking. Come by the Office of Student Media in Harris Hall Suite 1064 and fill out an application.
But we all know that…You Are Not Ready!!!
I am entitled
January 29, 2008