Danitra Johnson, a junior nursing major is in the dark about the insurance policy the university automatically enrolls all full-time students each academic year. Johnson stated, “I did not know we had any health insurance policy; you’re telling me something that I didn’t know.” She added, “They (the university) should do a better job about letting us know about these type of things.”
Johnson suggested that the university could dispense this type of information to students through emails or a feature in the DIGEST.
The Southern University System coordinates the insurance policy, GM-Southwest, Inc., for all of its campuses. Robert Bennet, director of student life, explained that it has been around since he can remember. Bennet said students need to read the insurance pamphlet to see what it covers. He also added that around 75-85 percent of students do not have any insurance prior to enrolling in school.
“Students need to be more knowledgeable about the different types of insurance policies,” Bennet said. The university has medical and life insurance policies on each full-time student. He also added that students do not utilize all of the services offered to them for free on campus.
One of which is the counseling program.
“There are free certified counselors willing to help students,” he started, “but students seem to be embarrassed to use these services.” He explained that most students equate counseling only for those who are “crazy” but that is not true. “Counseling is available for students that are having problems with their roommates, relationship, finances” and so on. All counseling sessions are confidential.
For the 2008-09 academic year, the student insurance policy became effective on August 12 for all campuses in the Southern University System. Coverage also continues through the fall and spring breaks.
Bennet noted that “the system made sure to purchase insurance from a company that would ensure the students would be covered over the Christmas break.”
The health insurance on each student allows the privilege to seek medical attention at the student health center located on campus. Medical benefits are also available for students who participate in intramural sports and cheerleading.
Although students do receive medical insurance, there is a proper procedure to be followed.
Terricka Fields, Billing/Insurance Coordinator for the Baton Rouge campus said, “students need to be seen at the Student Health Center first, before seeking medical attention at a hospital or emergency room.” She proceeded to say that “the only times that students should go to a hospital or emergency room is when we (the health center) are closed or through a referral given through the health center.”
In the case of a natural or accidental death, the family of the student is awarded $10,000. “If there is a death to occur, each case is given to the GM-Southwest Insurance Company. We do not handle that on campus,” said Fields.
This money is given to the estate of the student. To find out more information about the medical and life insurance policy for students, students are encouraged to visit the Student Health Center. Fields added that if students have any questions, they can speak with her in the health center or contact her at 771-4770.
Copies of the 2008-09 student injury and sickness insurance plan policy may be picked up at the health center, residential housing and the nursing building.
Students unaware of insurance policies in place at Southern
August 27, 2008